
Sunday Post #20: December Chunkster Poll Winner & Big News

NEW Sunday Post

Visit Kimba over at The Caffeinated Book Reviewer

Week in Review

Well, I have BIG news to report this week! I will be attending Harvard University beginning fall semester! I won’t officially be considered accepted into the program until I’ve completed three courses with satisfactory grades but I am still beyond excited! Because of this, I am taking the coming spring and summer semesters off to work as much as I can and start paying on my student loans in order to offset some of the financial burden. Woo! *throws confetti* I always wanted to get into a big school but I never thought it would actually happen. Mark that off my bucket list!

In other news, I am preparing to make further transition with my employment situation. I’ve had two offers from each place I work and I have to make a final decision and give a notice somewhere. (I’m leaning toward accepting the library offer; it looks better on a resume for a career in publishing, plus I can work less hours for better pay and my commute is only five minutes.) Either way, big changes are happening!

Posts from Last Week

I was lame and only posted once. Still check out the Nonfiction November Week 3 post about Diversity & Nonfiction!

What I'm Reading

This has been a slow reading month for me. NaNoWriMo had me focusing on writing so much that I lost a lot of reading time. In addition to that, I read several books for research but they weren’t fun books–so it feels like I haven’t read anything much this month!

Still working on all of these. I’m enjoying everything so far! Our bookclub meeting is coming up, so I will probably take Where’d You Go, Bernadette with me out of town over the holiday. This is my very first Margaret Atwood book! I know! Shameful! I’m enjoying it, though. I’m about three stories in so far. And, I definitely love Dr. Mütter’s Marvel’s so far. I’m about a quarter of the way through it.

Poll results are in!

December Chunkster

Because I found out that my library book club will be reading All the Light We Cannot See in the next few months, I am opting to read The Goldfinch because I missed that reading! So, I will be starting that December 1st! I better get cracking on those other three books…

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

8 thoughts on “Sunday Post #20: December Chunkster Poll Winner & Big News
